Progression Standards | M.S. in Sport Physiology and Performance Coaching

A grade of C or better is required for all courses within the Sport Physiology & Performance Coaching (SPPC) Program.  A letter grade of D, F, or U in any course within the SPPC Program results in the student being placed on academic probation within the program until the student is able to repeat the course. A student may continue with courses in the program for which the course with letter grade of D, F, or U is not a prerequisite.  Students may not take courses for which the course is a prerequisite.  When repeating an SPPC Program course a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or practicums that validate theoretical knowledge.  If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring semester as a result of this policy, the student is placed on academic suspension and repeats the course during the next appropriate semester.  A course may be repeated only one time.  A student receiving a D, F or U in the same SPPC Program course twice or in two SPPC Program courses is dismissed from the program.

A student must obtain a GPA of 3.00 or better each semester.  If a student earns a semester grade point average between 2.00 – 2.99, they are placed on academic probation.  To be removed from academic probation the student must earn a GPA of 3.00 or better in the following semester.  If an internship course is scheduled during the next semester, the student must earn a satisfactory (S) grade in the internship course and a GPA of 3.00 or better in the semester following the internship to be removed from academic probation.

If a student was placed on academic probation once and a second violation of the academic progression policy occurs, either a grade of D, F, or U, in a course or a GPA below a 3.00, the student will be dismissed from the program.  Students who cancel or withdraw from the Master of Science in SPPC Program forfeit their position in the program.  Students wishing to re-enter the graduate program after cancelling or withdrawing must go through the full re-application process.

Once the internship course commences students cannot withdraw from the internship.

If at any time the student is deemed unsatisfactory in the internship course, the student cannot continue to attend.
Since transportation to and from an internship site is the student's responsibility, a vehicle is required for each student.

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